Stapled and Nonstapled Tapered Distal Ileum for Construction of a Continent Colonic Urinary Reservoir

A contient colonic urinary reservoir was created in 10 patients who had undergone anterior exenteration for invasive bladder carcinoma. A tapered distal ileal segment ith a catheterizable abdominal stoma provided full continence in all 10 patients. Tapering of the terminal ileum was achieved with a gastrointestinal anastomosis stapler in 5 patients or with a bowel clamp in 5 others. Three purse-string sutures of 2-zero silk were placed on the tapered ileal segment to increase the intraluminal pressure. A nontunneled ureterocolonic anastomosis was performed in all 20 ureters. No obstruction or reflux was noted in 19 ureters (95 per cent). Hydronephrosis at the anastomotic site was noted in 1 ureter and was successfully dilated percutaneously.