Effects of drugs acting alone and in combination on the motor activity of intact mice

1 When administered to intact white mice, the central depressants—diphenhydramine, promethazine, chlorpromazine, gammahydroxybutyrate, gammabutyrolactone, hyoscine, and pethidine—produced sedation in small doses, but excitement and convulsions in higher doses. When given to mice pretreated with subanaesthetic doses of phenobarbitone these drugs abolished the righting reflex both in convulsant doses (hyoscine excepted) and in non-convulsant doses. These effects are similar to the effects previously observed with local anaesthetics. 2 Meprobamate, diazepam and chlorpromazine produced a loss of righting reflex both when given alone and following phenobarbitone. When given alone in higher doses, chlorpromazine induced convulsions. 3 The central stimulants bemegride and picrotoxin antagonized the loss of righting reflex produced by phenobarbitone, but nikethamide, caffeine and strychnine did not alter the depressant effects of phenobarbitone. 4 On the basis of these and previous studies with intact white mice a tentative classification of drugs having generalized depressant and stimulant effects on the central nervous system was proposed and discussed.