Projection radiography is in the middle of the transition from conventional screen-film imaging to digital image acquisition modalities, mainly based on imaging plates (computed radiography, CR) and flat-panel detectors (direct radiography, DR). Cassette-based CR has been available for the past 20 y, and constitutes the major part of direct radiography installations in hospitals today. direct radiography systems based on large-area amorphous silicon active matrix arrays are commercially available for the last 5 y and exist basically in two different types: with scintillators or photoconductors as X-ray conversion material (‘indirect’ or ‘direct’ type). direct radiography systems allow for improved image quality and/or dose reduction due to their high detective quantum efficiency and enable faster workflow because of instant image availability. However, new technology developments are improving the performance for CR systems as well, rendering it competitive to direct radiography in many practical aspects. Therefore, it is assumed that the CR and direct radiography systems will coexist for many years to come. This paper reviews the digital detector technologies and the possible future directions of development.