Hemagglutination-Inhibiting, Complement-Fixing and Neutralizing Antibody Responses in Echo 6 Infection, including Studies on Heterotypic Responses

Summary: The development and persistence of ECHO 6 neutralizing, complement-fixing (CF) and hemagglutination-inhibiting (HI) antibodies was studied in 24 aseptic meningitis patients from whom an ECHO 6 virus was isolated. The neutralization test yielded the greatest number of significant antibody rises (96%), the HI or CF tests yielded significant rises in 67% of the patients. The three types of antibody reached peak levels by the 2nd week after onset of illness. Neutralizing antibody persisted with little or no decline for 3 years, HI antibody declined rapidly and then persisted at significant levels for 3 years, and CF antibody was undetectable or at low levels 3 years after onset. Cross serologic tests among small groups of ECHO 4, 6 and 9 patients revealed the neutralization and HI tests to be fairly specific, while a significantly greater number of heterotypic reactions were obtained with the CF test. Evidence was presented which indicates a relationship between the heterotypic CF responses and a prior infection with the heterotype.