Mucus Aggregates in the Adriatic Sea: An Overview of Stages and Occurrences

The wide range of macroscopic mucus aggregates in the Adriatic Sea is documented. These structures arc considered to be initially produced by diatoms. A differentiation into five states or stages: macroflocs, stringers, clouds, creamy surface layers, and gelatinous surface layers is proposed. This classification is based not only on size and shape, but also takes relative position in the water, stability, behavior, and effect on benthos into consideration. An interrelationship between these aggregates ‐ as different manifestations or phases of the same phenomenon ‐ is postulated.Macroflocs and stringers arc more common. Larger aggregates (clouds, creamy layers, gelatinous layers) arc less frequent. The general term “marine snow” is inadequate to describe the entire range of aggregate sizes and shapes, while the Italian designation “mare sporco” (dirty sea) is misleading. Two massive occurrences of dense clouds coupled with surface accumulations were recorded in the Adriatic in 1988 and 1989. The effect of the various stages on the shallow coastal ecosystem of the Northern Adriatic Sea is discussed.