Coulomb excitation of144,146,148,150Nd

Coulomb excitation of Nd60144,146,148,16050 by 10.5 and 11 MeV alpha particles was studied by magnetic analysis of particles scattered into 150°. Values of B(E2;0+2+) for the 2+ states at 696, 454, 302, and 130 keV are 0.58(1), 0.78(1), 1.390(20), and 2.816(35) e2 b2, respectively. For 148,150Nd, values of B(E3;0+3) for 3 states at 999 and 932 keV are 0.40(8) and 0.18(3) e2 b3, respectively. For 148,150Nd the hexadecapole transition matrix elements were deduced to be 0.3612+10 and 0.25(12) e b2, respectively. Our measurements are compared to others and to interacting boson model predictions.