In the autumn of 1983 a clinical survey was carried out on 756 children aged 6-14 yr, residing in three non-fluoridated communities in Iceland. The aim of the survey was to assess what changes, if any, in caries prevalence may have taken place as a result of the provision of free dental restorative services for these children since 1974. The 1983 prevalence data were compared with data obtained from a caries survey conducted in 1970 in the same area in Iceland. The same examiner peformed all examinations in both studies. Although considerable increase was noted in number of filled teeth with a corresponding decrease in carious and missing teeth, a statistically significant change in caries prevalence, (dft [decayed and filled teeth], dfs [decayed and filled surfaces], DMFT [decayed-missing-filled teeth], DMFS [decayed-missing-filled surfaces]) did not manifest itself. The dfs and DMFS in 1983 was 8.9 and 9.5, respectively, compared to 8.5 and 10.4 in 1970. Over 90% of the toothpaste used in Iceland during the 1970''s contained fluoride. The children in the three study areas had not been provided with any public preventive programs.