Clinical assessment of postural stability following vestibular nerve section

Little is known about the recovery of postural control in patients following acute vestibular loss. This paper reports on the results of moving-platform posturography to assess the recovery of postural stability in 24 patients following vestibular nerve section. Posturography was abnormal prior to surgery in 17% of the patients. Seven days following surgery, 44% of the patients demonstrated vestibular deficit patterns, while 56% of the patients had normal posturography. Posturography was normal in all patients 1 month following surgery. Abnormal posturography was subsequently noted in 21% of the patients between 3 and 20 months following surgery. Each of the patients with abnormal preoperative posturography subsequently demonstrated abnormal late postoperative posturography. These results suggest that perioperative posturography may be useful in the evaluation and counseling of patients considering ablative vestibular surgery.