Analytic Continuation of Partial-Wave Amplitude in the Complex Angular-Momentum Plane

An attempt is made to continue analytically the partial-wave amplitude for the scattering of two identical spinless particles in the complex l plane, exploiting unitarity and analyticity properties in s. The Froissart-Gribov representation for the partial-wave amplitude is known to be holomorphic in the region Rel>α of the complex l plane provided the absorptive part At(s, t) of A(s, t), the scattering amplitude in the t channel, is bounded by tα for any fixed s. Apart from the above assumptions, two crucial hypotheses on which the present analysis is based are (i) the possibility of extending unitarity in the inelastic region to complex values of l, and (ii) the boundedness condition, viz., that both At(s, t) and A(s, t) are asymptotically bounded by the maximum of (tβsγ, sβtγ) if s and t are both sufficiently large with γ>0 and β<min(1, γ). With the help of the ND technique it is then possible to continue analytically the partial-wave amplitude up to the line Rel=β and show that it is meromorphic in the region β<Rel<~α. The domain of meromorphy of the partial-wave amplitude obtained by the method of analytic completion is smaller than the preceding one. The analytically continued partial-wave amplitude is bounded by |l|12 for large values of Iml, so that a Regge representation for A(s, t) can be obtained. The ND method of analytic continuation does not work beyond the line Rel=1 even if one assumes β<1. It has also been shown that accumulation of poles at l=12 near threshold, a feature which has been pointed out by several authors, is also manifested in the analytically continued partial-wave amplitude.