Period-adding bifurcations and chaos in a bubble column

We obtained period-adding bifurcations in a bubble formation experiment. Using the air flow rate as the control parameter in this experiment, the bubble emission from the nozzle in a viscous fluid undergoes from single bubbling to a sequence of periodic bifurcations of k to k+1 periods, occasionally interspersed with some chaotic regions. Our main assumption is that this period-adding bifurcation in bubble formation depends on flow rate variations in the chamber under the nozzle. This assumption was experimentally tested by placing a tube between the air reservoir and the chamber under the nozzle in the bubble column experiment. By increasing the tube length, more period-adding bifurcations were observed. We associated two main types of bubble growth to the flow rate fluctuations inside the chamber for different bubbling regimes. We also studied the properties of piecewise nonlinear maps obtained from the experimental reconstructed attractors, and we concluded that this experiment is a spatially extended system.