Hydrogen out‐diffusion suppression effect of overlayer deposited on H+2 ‐implanted magnetic bubble garnet has been investigated using gas mass spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectroscopy. It has been found that oxide films such as SiO2, SiO, TiO2, and Al2O3 or nitride film such as Si3N4 effectively suppress out‐diffusion of hydrogen during annealing, keeping a large anisotropy field change induced by hydrogen implantation after the annealing. Hydrogen depth profiles have also been found to have a sharp peak at the boundary between overlayer and garnet which can suppress out‐diffusion of hydrogen. Metal films such as Au, Mo, and Ni–Fe alloy have been found not to act as suppressors of hydrogen out‐diffusion. Annealing hydrogen‐implanted garnet with an oxide overlayer on the surface is useful for ion‐implanted bubble device fabrication because of thermal stability of large anisotropy change induced by implantation.