Immobilized Pepsin Treatment of Skim Milk and Skim Milk Fractions

Cohmans and batch reactors of pepsin immobilized on glass were used to study the mechanism of enzymic dotting o4 milk. A linear relationship existed be- tween nonprotein nitrogen release and the logarithm of coagtdation time of skim milk within limits tested. A nearly linear relationship was found between the logarithm of nonprotein nitrogen re- lease and increase in curd terrsion of skim milk. Ultracentrffuged skim milk supernate treated with immobilized pep- sin caused skim milk or washed micelles to clot. The coagulation time for treated skim milk, treated micelles, treated ultra- centrifuged skim milk supernate plus micelles, and treated ultracentrifuged skim milk supernate plus skim milk de- creased as the contact time with immo- bilized pepsin on glass was increased.

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