A method is presented for the construction of reliable internuclear potential curves using a previously proposed function and observed values of equilibrium bond lengths and vibrational frequencies. The function has the form V=De{1−exp[−(nΔr2/2r)]}{1+af(r)}. An explicit form is presented for the observed periodicity of the parameter a when referring to the ground states of diatomic molecules. This periodicity is shown to lead to relationships from which De, αe, and xeωe can be calculated solely from ωe and re. An empirical relationship between the values of the parameter a in the ground and the excited states is presented from which De, αe, and xeωe can be deduced for any nonionic excited state from ωe and re of that state. This latter relationship demonstrates that ωere2 is not constant for all states of any molecule but is dependent in a predictable manner on the other spectroscopic constants. These relationships enable potential curves to be constructed solely from a knowledge of ωe and re. Calculated curves for the X1Σg+ states of H2 and I2 and ground and excited states of N2 agree extremely well with experimental curves, deviating by no more than 2% of the dissociation energy. The agreement is very good for large values of r for H2 and I2, which indicates that a general form exists for the interaction of bonding atoms at large distances.