A Kinetic Analysis of Phytochrome Controlled Mesocotyl Growth in Zea mays Seedlings

Mesocotyl elongation in 4 day old etiolated seedlings immediately following 3 hours of white light (3 h W) is reversibly controlled by phytochrome. Time-lapse video measurements were made of the 5 millimeter zone just below the coleoptile which is the main growth region of the mesocotyl. The growth kinetics were determined for five contiguous 1 millimeter zones subtending the coleoptile node for nonirradiated seedlings, for seedlings given 3 h W, and 3 h W followed by terminal far-red (FR) or red subsequent to the far-red (FR/R) irradiation. Each zone in nonirradiated seedlings exhibits exponential elongation kinetics during the early stages of elongation. This finding suggests that during elongation, a growth limiting factor is also exponentially increasing. Following 3 h W differences in the kinetic responses were found for each zone. In all zones, the inhibitory effect following the 3 h W is totally FR reversible. The effect of FR is reversed by R. The upper zone exhibits the fastest response and is the most plastic in its growth response. The three upper zones all exhibit spontaneous and sharp rocoveries with time. It is suggested that the control by phytochrome is not inductive but rather continuous, the controlling factor being either the level of the far red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr) or the ratio Pfr to total phytochrome.