An Unusual Adverse Reaction to Self-Medication with Prednisone: An Irrational Crime during a Fugue-State

During five years of self-medication with Prednisone, a forty-one-year old asthmatic businessman experienced periods of euphoria, psychomotor hyperactivity, and poor judgment; a period of depression and anxiety during temporary steroid withdrawal; and finally, with resumption of Prednisone, episodes of grandiosity and bizarre fugue-like behavior, with adoption of a second identity and culminating in an irrational crime. Steroids were then withdrawn, and the patient resumed his premorbid personality, but had amnesia for much of his previous behavior. The literature on hysterical fugues and corticosteroid-induced mental disturbance is reviewed. The patient's reactions are analyzed in terms of his premorbid neurotic conflicts, the psychological stresses acting upon him, and the effects of Prednisone on his central nervous system.