A simple, rapid and precise method is described for determining trace elements by laser ablation (LA)‐ICP‐MS analysis in bulk geological materials that have been prepared as lithium borate glasses following standard procedures for XRF analysis. This approach reliably achieves complete sample digestion and provides for complementary XRF and LA‐ICP‐MS analysis of a full suite of major and trace elements from a single sample preparation. Highly precise analysis is enabled by rastering an ArF excimer laser (λ= 193nm) across fused samples to deliver a constant sample yield to the mass spectrometer without inter‐element fractionation effects during each analysis. Capabilities of the method are demonstrated by determination of twenty five trace elements (Sc, Ti, V, Ga, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Cs, Ba, REE, Hf, Ta, Pb, Th and U) in a diverse range of geological reference materials that includes peridotites, basalts, granites, metamorphic rocks and sediments. More than 90% of determinations are indistinguishable from published reference values at the 95% confidence level. Systematic bias greater than 5% is observed for only a handful of elements (Zr, Nb and U) and may be attributed in part to inaccurate calibration values used for the NIST SRM 612 glass in the case of Zr and Nb. Detection limits for several elements, most notably La, are compromised at ultra‐trace levels by impurities in the lithium borate flux but can be corrected for by subtracting appropriate procedural blanks. Reliable Pb analysis has proved problematic due to variable degrees of contamination introduced during sample polishing prior to analysis and from Pt‐crucibles previously used to fuse Pb‐rich samples. Scope exists for extending the method to include internal standard element/isotope spiking, particularly where integrated XRF analysis is not available to characterise major and trace elements in the fused lithium borate glasses prior to LA‐ICP‐MS analysis.