The effects of c-AMP, phosphodiesterase inhibitors (caffeine and theophylline) and vinblastine on spontaneous transmitter release was investigated at locust neuromuscular junctions. c-AMP, theophylline, caffeine, and vinblastine caused facilitation of transmitter release. None of these drugs had any effect on the amplitude of miniature excitatory postsynaptic potentials (min. E.P.S.P.'s), or on the resting membrane potential, but vinblastine increased the proportion of 'large' min. E.P.S.P.'s. The effect of theophylline (but not c-AMP and caffeine) on min. E.P.S.P. frequency was found to be calcium dependent. The effects of these drugs on the locust glutamatergic synapse are compared with their actions at other synapses.