Characterization and classification of virus particles associated with hepatitis A. III. Structural proteins

Hepatitis A virus was purified from fecal samples collected at various times in the incubation period of patients with naturally acquired hepatitis A. The proteins of particles banding at around 1.34 g/ml in CsCl and sedimenting at about 160S were radioiodinated in vitro and separated by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels in the presence of 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate and 8 M urea. Under these conditions, the capsid proteins resolved into 4 polypeptides with MW of .apprx. 31,000, 24,500, 21,000 and 9,000, respectively. A 5th protein of about 40,000 daltons in size and assumed to be equivalent to the precursor polypeptide VP0 of the picornaviruses was present in particles sedimenting at only 150-155S and banding at around 1.33 g/ml in CsCl. The physicochemical characteristics of these particles are consistent with those of the provirion structures of picornaviruses. In several of the fecal samples, these particles represented a considerable fraction of all particles present. The significance of this finding with respect to the antigenicity of hepatitis A antigen extracted from stool specimens is discussed.