Role of potential structure in nonadiabatic collisions with applications to He++Ne(2p6)→He++Ne(2p53s) and Na+I→Na++I

The first-order functional-sensitivity densities δσ12(E)/δVij(R) from close-coupling calculations are used for a quantitative probe of the role of structure in crossing diabatic curves used to model nonadiabatic collisions. Application to the excitation of Ne by He+ shows a region of significance for δσ12(E)/δV12(R) as a prominent Gaussian-like profile around the crossing point (R*) in accord with the δ(R-R*) idealization of the Landau-Zener-Stueckelberg (LZS) theory. Similarly, the densities δσ12(E)/δV11(R) and δσ12(E)/δV22(R) mimic dδ(R-R*)/dR-type behavior with one being the negative of the other in the neighborhood of R*, in qualitative agreement with the LZS theory. However, all three sensitivity profiles identify a much broader area of importance for the curves than the loosely defined avoided-crossing region. Also, although the sensitivities themselves decrease with increasing energy, the domain of importance of the curves increases. Examination of the functional-sensitivity densities δσ12(E)/δVij(R) for the chemi-ionization collision Na+I→Na++I reveals regions of potential-function importance very different from that predicted by the LZS theory.