Synthesis of InN/InP core/sheath nanowires

Bulk quantities of InN/InP core/sheath nanowires with a diameter of 60–90 nm and a length of several micrometers were synthesized through a vapor reaction route. The nanowires consisted of single-crystalline InN core with 30–40 nm in diameter and amorphous InP sheath with a thickness of 20–25 nm. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy images indicated that most of the InN core is perfect crystalline; there also exists a high density of stacking faults and twins in the crystalline InN core in some of the synthesized nanowires. Indium nanoparticles found at the tip of the nanowires indicated a vapor-liquid-solid growth mechanism for formation of the InN/InP nanostructures. This type of InN/InP nanowire is important and may be further developed to be utilized as nanoscale field effect transistor and light-emitting diode.