Bile duct stents in the management of hepatolithiasis with long-segment intrahepatic biliary strictures

Biliary stricture represents a challenging problem in the treatment of hepatolithiasis because of its association with treatment failure and stone recurrence. The long‐segment type of stricture is difficult to manage and is likely to recur. To investigate the necessity for biliary stenting after balloon dilatation therapy, 20 consecutive patients with long‐segment strictures who had 22 stents (group 1) were compared with ten patients who refused stenting (group 2). The long‐segment strictures in group 1 were located on the right side in 80 per cent of patients, on the left side in 10 per cent, and were bilateral in 10 per cent. The stents, varying from 8 to 12 Fr, were retained for at least 6 months. They were inserted through the routes of a matured T tube track (five cases), percutaneous transhepatic track (14 cases), a jejunal limb (two cases) and a fistula (one case). Complications of stenting consisted of dislodgement (one case), haemobilia (two cases), cholangitis (two cases) and intrahepatic abscess (one case). The cumulative probability of stricture recurrence in group 1 was 10 per cent, 15 per cent and 21 per cent at 2, 3 and 4 years, respectively, whereas in group 2 it was 80 per cent at 2 years (P < 0.003). The results suggest that intrahepatic biliary stenting after balloon dilatation appears necessary and helpful in the management of hepatolithiasis with long‐segment biliary strictures.