Energy splitting between the B and C states of xenon chloride

The energy splitting between B(1/2) and C(3/2) excimer states in xenon chloride has been determined by comparing the thermal equilibrium intensity ratio of the broadband C(3/2)→A(3/2) fluorescence emission at 340 nm to that of the narrowband B(1/2)→X(1/2) fluorescence emission at 308 nm. The formation of the excimers is initiated via two‐photon ionization of Xe atoms in the presence of Cl2 and an Ar buffer. The room temperature equilibrium intensity ratio ICA/IBX is found to be 0.15±0.01. Using the Einstein A coefficients calculated by Hay and Dunning for these transitions, the energy splitting EC−EB is determined as (5.4±25) cm−1. Strong emission from the triatomic species Xe2Cl was also observed.