Flow pattern of melt and temperature profile are calculated numerically in a crucible in which a crystal is grown by a Czochralski method. The calculation is carried out for cases both the crystal and the crucible are rotated and is compared with the case the crystal only is rotated (Kobayashi and Arizumi: Japan. J. appl. Phys. 9 (1970) 361). The flow pattern behaves differently depending on the relative sense of rotations of the crystal and the crucible. With the same sense of rotation, the flow induced by crystal rotation extends to the bottom of the crucible, and the interface shape becomes more concave towards the melt as the crystal rotation rate increases. The counter rotation makes the flow pattern similar to that caused by crystal rotation alone. The interface shape becomes less concave for low crystal rotation rate and changes to be more concave through most flat with the increase of the crystal rotation.

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