Fast-Electron-Slow-Electron Coincidence Study of ViolentAr+-Ar Collisions

An electron-electron coincidence measurement has been made of the energy spectrum of only those slow electrons emitted from violent Ar+-Ar collisions that produce known energy, fast LMM Auger electrons. The correlation between the number of ejected slow electrons and the energy of the fast electron is much less than expected from a model based on the generally assumed ordering of the inner-shell (Auger) and outer-shell transitions following inner-shell excitation. Furthermore, details of the spectra show that double Auger (LMMM) processes do not occur in a large percentage of the events studied. It appears that the branching ratio of outer-shell auto-ionizing transitions to LMM transitions in argon is smaller than expected, possibly owing to the molecular properties of the Ar+-Ar collision system.