Polarization ofγRays inTa181

Directional correlation measurements of the γ rays following the decay of Hf181 to excited states in Ta181 have indicated two possible spin assignments for the 482- and 615-kev states. Calculation of the expected polarization of the 482-kev γ rays in the 133-482 kev decay showed that this property was quite different for the two spin assignments. For the spin assignment 482, 92+, and 615, 52+ the calculated value of p is 1.10 where pW(90°, 90°)W(90°, 0°) in the notation of Biedenharn and Rose. For the spin assignment 482, 52+, and 615, 12+ the value of p is 0.67. The experimental value for liquid HfF4 source is (0.71±0.05). To check on possible systematic errors, measurements were also made with a dry HfF4 source for which one expects an attenuated value for p of 0.91. The experimental value is (0.88±0.05). We conclude that the correct spin assignments are 482, 52+, and 615, 12+. Reduced γ-ray transition probabilities are obtained. The collective model of the nucleus is used to interpret the low-lying states of Ta181.