Flow-cytometric reticulocyte counts including their maturation status were performed during follow-up of induction (n=5) and consolidation (n=7) polychemotherapy in nine patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) using a Sysmex R-3000 automated counter. The reticulocytes fell to an extreme nadir (n=1) or complete (n=8) remission. At a median of 7 days after MFR and 5 days after HFR the granulocytes reached the critical limit of ≥0.5/nl. The reticulocytes rose to the normal range after 9 and 7 days, respectively. Automated flow-cytometric reticulocyte counting including the maturation status has been shown to provide an accessible measure of erythroid activity, which may be of predictive value for granulocyte recovery after aplasiogenic polychemotherapy in AML patients.