Epidemiology and Prevention of Acute Respiratory Disease in Naval Recruits

Marked differences in illness patterns were observed between recruits of the Naval Training Center and Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego during the winter of 1963. The methods of processing new recruits and the extent to which susceptible men were allowed contact with an ill population were significant in determination of the subsequent illness patterns, at least for adenovirus associated acute respiratory disease. Similar patterns of nonbacterial pneumonia and almost identical rates in the 2 centers indicated that environmental factors did not play as great a role in this illness. Although the navy recruits exceeded the marine recruits slightly in serologic response to Eaton agent and ASO [anti-streptolysin-O] the only significant difference in serology was with respect to the adenovirus. The predominant type in both populations, according to limited neutralization data, was Type 4. Respiratory illness rates are closely related to the methods of handling men and the subsequent environment into which they are placed.