Phonon Raman scattering in R1xAxMnO3+δ(R=La,Pr;A=Ca,Sr)

Polarized Raman spectra of single and polycrystalline R1xAxMnO3(R=La,Pr;A=Ca,Sr) ceramic samples were studied as a function of temperature. For the rhombohedral LaMnO3.1 and La0.7Sr0.3MnO3, the observed Raman peaks were associated with modes arising from the folding of the Brillouin zone under lattice deformation. For the orthorhombic LaMnO3.0, the Raman spectra are consistent with the Pnma structure and show an anomalous softening of the 494 and 604 cm1 modes below the antiferromagnetic ordering temperature TN140 K. Polycrystalline samples of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 show a dramatic change of the Raman spectra between 100 and 160 K, which was associated with the increase of the orthorhombic distortion observed by others for T240 K. Other R1xAxMnO3 single crystals, with small orthorhombic distortions, show Raman spectra which are similar to those observed in the rhombohedral samples.