Clues to the Pathogenesis of Fallopian Tube Carcinoma: A Morphological and Immunohistochemical Case Control Study

The purpose of this study was to identify histopathological fallopian tube changes that might be related to the development of fallopian tube carcinoma (FTCA). Each of 14 unilateral cases of the latter was matched with 2 controls for age, hospital, and year of diagnosis. The uninvolved fallopian tube from patients with FTCA, all of which were of serous type, was compared to fallopian tubes from the same side in 28 matched controls. The features evaluated included plical bridging, trapped gland-like structures, inflammation, epithelial stratification, tufting, nuclear atypia, plical atrophy, luminal dilatation, and presence or absence of in situ carcinoma. The significant changes (p < 0.05) in the contralateral tubes of patients with FTCA were luminal dilatation (p=0.0004), plical atrophy (p=0.0015), and chronic inflammation (p=0.0089). FTCA may therefore develop in tubes demonstrating histologic features of chronic healed salpingitis, findings that reflect bilateral tubal disease which apparently antedates the development of the FTCA. p53 stains were strongly positive in 9 of 14 FTCAs and in 5 of 6 foci of in situ carcinoma found in the tubes with unilateral FTCA. No p53 staining was found in any of the contralateral tubes. Serous FTCAs may be etiologically related to antecedent bilateral healed chronic salpingitis and arise from in situ carcinoma in a background of atrophy.