Electronic structures of Si2N2O and Ge2N2O crystals

We present the results of calculations of electronic band structures, density of states (DOS), and partial density of states of orthorhombic crystals of Si2 N2O and Ge2 N2O. The first-principles orthogonalized-linear-combination-of-atomic-orbitals method is used with the basis function including the Si or Ged orbitals. The crystal potential is constructed from a simple superposition of atomic potentials. An indirect band gap of 5.97 eV for Si2 N2O and a direct gap of 3.78 eV at Γ for Ge2 N2O are found. It is further recognized that (1) the valence-band DOS of Si2 N2O can be approximately regarded as a superposition of that of αSiO2 and βSi3N4 crystals with an exception at the top of the valence-band edge which is derived from the oxygen lone-pair orbitals. (2) The effective charges on Si and Ge atoms are 1.99 and 1.50 electrons, respectively, indicating that Si2 N2O is more covalent than Ge2 N2O. These and other results are discussed in connection with local atomic structures and with available experimental information.