Magnetic Quenching of Iodine Fluorescence Excited by a 6328 Å He/Ne Laser

The extent of the magnetic field induced quenching of the fluorescence from the (v′ = 6, J′ = 32) and (v′ = 11, J′ = 128) levels of the B 3Π (Ou+) state of I2 has been measured. A He/Ne laser operating at 6328 Å has been used to excite the fluorescence. Combining these measurements with earlier results obtained for the higher vibrational levels allows us to determine the shape of an Ou repulsive potential energy curve which crosses the B‐state curve. Since the v′ = 6 level is observed to be quenched much more strongly than the levels of higher v′, this Ou curve crosses the B‐state curve at a low v′ value.