Dissipative quantum tunneling at finite temperatures

Finite temperatures are incorporated into the calculation of the tunneling rate in the presence of linear dissipation. A theory of finite-temperature tunneling is introduced which is based on the density matrix which provides an approximate description of the metastable state. Semiclassical functional integral methods are used to calculate the density matrix and the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation is used to derive the tunnel current from the density matrix. Dissipation appropriate to superconducting quantum-interference devices is introduced into the calculation by the use of the existing model of a heat bath consisting of a prescribed distribution of harmonic oscillators linearly coupled to the tunneling variable. The finite-temperature tunnel escape rate obtained is of the form Γ=A exp(-S/ħ). S is determined from the solution of a nonlinear integro-differential equation. An existing numerical technique was modified to achieve this. The quantity A is approximately evaluated.

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