Relationship of Altered Vascular Volumes to Plasma 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids in Dogs

Summary The rapid removal of 10% and 25% blood volume in anesthetized dogs (sodium pentobarbital) produced a marked rise in peripheral 17-OHCS when reported as γ/100 ml or γ/plasma volume, whereas the expansion of vascular volumes by 10% and 25% with dextran caused only slight increases in steroid levels. In the 10% hemorrhagic group, 17-OHCS increased without a significant decrease in mean arterial pressure. In animals which were hemorrhaged 5% of their blood volume every 10 minutes until 35% had been removed, 17-OHCS progressively increased and became significant only after 25% hemorrhage. The alterations in peripheral plasma 17-OHCS which occur during the expansion or reduction of vascular volumes are better described when these values are corrected for circulating plasma volume.