Protective Effect of Oral Acetylcysteine against the Hepatorenal Toxicity of Carbon Tetrachloride Potentiated by Ethyl Alcohol

Considering the well-documented protection of acetylcysteine (AC) in hepatotoxicity related to acetaminophen, we studied the preventive potential of AC against mild hepatotoxicity of CCl4, potentiated with ethyl alcohol (ETH) and the role of tissue glutathione. Rats fed a liquid diet with 30% of energy from ETH, had-intraperitoneal CCl4 administered in three injections, at 7-day intervals. AC was ingested at the level for acetaminophen overdose. ETH markedly potentiated the injury induced by CCl4, as evidenced by higher values of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), urinary bile acids (BA), serum creatinine, histological score of liver cell necrosis, mortality and by lower body weights and lower liver glutathione, when compared with CCl4 alone. Protective effect of AC consisted of a lesser hepatocytic necrosis, better body weights and higher liver glutathione. We conclude, that AC favorably modifies liver damage induced by CCl4 and potentiated with ETH. There is a preventive role for AC in subjects who combine ETH overuse with exposure to hepatotoxic xenobiotics, whose toxicity is modified by tissue glutathione.