Relaxation, recovery, crystallization, and recrystallization transformations in an iron-based amorphous precursor

The focus of this research was on gaining a fundamental understanding of the structure/property relationships that exist in an Fe-based multicomponent glass-forming alloy. While composition is one key parameter in determining the final microstructure, the specific transformation conditions (temperature and time) related to how a glass devitrifies were found to have significant effects on the development of the devitrified microstructure. Microstructural studies have revealed that recovery, relaxation, crystallization, and recrystallization phenomena are important effects which lead to large differences in the ensuing microstructure resulting in significant differences in properties such as devitrified hardness. The information gained in this study, combined with further investigations into the mechanistic processes governing these transformations, may allow for the further development of nanostructured materials with specific and targeted sets of properties.