μ→e+γ and τ→μ+γ decays in string models withE6symmetry

E6 string models for which (i) E6 breaks to [SU(3)]3 at the Planck scale, (ii) [SU(3)]3 breaks to SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1) at an intermediate scale MI triggered by a (mass)2 m2<0 where ≲1 TeV, and (iii) the model possesses a matter-parity invariance lead to the new-physics signals of μ→eγ and τ→μγ decays which may be accessible experimentally. The outgoing lepton is nearly 100% right handed and the τ→μγ branching ratio about 105 times larger than the μ→eγ. Possible ways of detecting these decays are discussed.