GranulicatellaandAbiotrophiaSpecies from Human Clinical Specimens

One hundred one isolates of nutritionally variant streptococci from 97 patients were phenotypically characterized and compared with the type strains of Granulicatella adiacens (formerlyAbiotrophia adiacens) (ATCC 49175T)Abiotrophia defectiva (ATCC 49176T), andGranulicatella elegans (formerly Abiotrophia elegans) (DSM 11693T). Of the isolates, 55 and 43 resembled G. adiacens andA. defectiva, respectively, while 3 strains resembled G. elegans. Phenotypic characteristics useful in differentiating between species within the genera Granulicatella and Abiotrophia(G. adiacens, G.elegans, Granulicatella balaenopterae, and A. defectiva) were production of α- and β-galactosidase; production of β-glucuronidase; hippurate hydrolysis; arginine dihydrolase activity; and acid production from trehalose, sucrose, pullulan, and tagatose. From the reports submitted with the specimens, the clinical diagnosis was endocarditis in 58% of patients and septicemia or bacteremia in 26% of patients.