Conventional and two-dose amoxycillin treatment of bacteriuria in pregnancy and recurrent bacteriuria: a comparative study

The efficacy and acceptability of two regimens of amoxycillin—a 7-day course of 250 mg capsules 8-hourly, or 3 g followed 12 h later by a further 3 g dose—have been compared in 93 patients with urinary infections. In 54 pregnant women cure rates were virtually identical for each regimen 1 week and 5 weeks post treatment, and ranged only between 62% and 68%. The second group consisted of 39 patients who had had serious infection and were attending the Urinary Infection Clinic for investigation. In this group cure rates were 79% 1 week post treatment and 50% after 5 weeks following the two dose regimen, and 70% at 1 week and 40% at 5 weeks following the 7-day course of capsules. There was no significant difference in clinical efficacy between the two regimens. The incidence of side-effects was low in both groups. Thus, 3 g given twice is as effective and acceptable as the conventional 7-day course of amoxycillin for the treatment of urinary infection in the two groups of patients studied.