Hypokalemic Myocarditis: Report of Two Cases

2 instances are reported of focal necrosis and inflammation of the myocardium produced in patients presumed to have K deficiency associated with diabetic acidosis. The 2 patients were in diabetic acidosis. The myocardial lesions consisted of edema, fragmentation of myocardial fibers, widely distributed foci of necrosis with fibroblastic proliferation, and lymphocytic infiltration. In the older lesions ftbrosis and collagen formation became evident. It seems unlikely that the myocardial lesions in either case were due to ischemia. Neutrophils are characteristically predominant in early ischemic lesions, while lymphocytes predominated to the exclusion of neutrophils in the early lesions of the cases presented. The older lesions showed an abundance of lymphocytes and differed from infarcts in the lack of macrophagic infiltration and a lesser amt. of fibrosis and collagen formation.