Saturation of Chiral SU(2) ⊗ SU(2) Algebras,A1ρπandρ′Couplings

The interrelation between the two different types of sum rules, the chiral SU(2) ⊗ SU(2) spectral-function sum rules and the ones based on the saturation of the chiral SU(2) ⊗ SU(2) charge algebras (which also includes the time derivative of axial-vector charge) especially studied by Gilman and Harari (G-H), is investigated through the charge-charge density algebras and under the same single-particle approximation. It is shown that, if the ρ meson is the only I=1 vector meson, (i) the G-H saturation is justified for the case of helicity λ=0, (ii) the whole set of sum rules is entirely consistent with each other, including the second-spectral-function sum rules, and (iii) mA22mρ2 thus follows to the extent that the KSRF (Kawarabayashi-Suzuki-Riaduddin-Fayyazuddin) relation is experimentally satisfied. The modification due to the addition of the newly discovered ρ meson to the scheme is studied. It is found that the ρ cannot play a dominant role and its relevant couplings, ρππ and ργ, are restricted to small values. Typically, we obtain Γ(ρππ)5080 MeV and (GρGρ)20.2, if the ρ is treated as the triplet D states of the quark model and no more vector mesons are introduced. Some remarks are also made about the A1ρπ coupling.