Escherichia coli radC Is Deficient in the recA-Dependent Repair of X-Ray-Induced DNA Strand Breaks

Escherichia coli K-12 cells incubated in buffer can repair most of their X-ray-induced DNA single-stranded breaks, but additional single-strand breaks are repaired when the cells are incubated in growth medium. While the radC102 mutant was proficient at repairing DNA single-strand breaks in buffer (polA-dependent repair), it was partially deficient in repairing the additional single-strand breaks (or alkali-labile lesions) that the wild-type strain can repair in growth medium (recA-dependent repair), and this repair deficiency correlated with the X-ray survival deficiency of the radC strain. In studies using neutral sucrose gradients, the radC strain consistently showed a small deficiency in rejoining X-ray-induced DNA double-strand breaks, and it was deficient in restoring the normal sedimentation characteristics of the repaired DNA.