The CPI is a 462-item inventory, scored for 20 folk measures, 3 vectors, and 13 optional special-purpose scales. Its goal is to furnish a veridical picture of any individual, stressing descriptors easily recognized and used by ordinary people in everyday life. In 1987, a theoretical three-vector model of personality was introduced, based on two basic orientations (toward people and toward societal values), and a third independent theme reflecting ego integration. Four lifestyles termed the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta are defined, each having seven possible levels of realization or integration. In regard to careers, Alphas seek and do best in managerial and leadership roles, Betas function well in supportive/ancillary positions, and Gammas look for and are adept in creating change. Deltas work best alone, in fields such as art, literature, and (depending on their ability) mathematics.