For many years, a variant of the silver impregnation technique of Bielchowsky has been used to study the lymph node because it clearly outlines the various structures which are usually hard to contrast with standard staining methods. Like other variants of silver impregnation, this method blackens the cell nuclei as well as the reticular fibers; however, it inhibits the impregnation of the nuclear chromatin immediately adjacent to fibers. Hence, this variant selectively darkens the lymphoid cell populations of the nodal structures which contain a loose fiber network. To study the blood vascular network of the lymph node based on perfusion of colloidal carbon, a staining procedure was needed which would contrast nodal structures on thick sections, while allowing the carbon-filled small blood vessels to be distinguished from the impregnated coarse reticular fibers. In an attempt to adapt this variant of Bielchowsky's technique, 10, 20, 40 and 60 microns thick sections from rat nodes, fixed in a solution of Bouin-Hollande for 72 hr, were silver impregnated with serial dilutions (1:2 to 1:128) of the ammoniacal silver solution. Forty-micrometer thick sections impregnated with a 1:16 dilution of the original silver solution at 37 C and for 30 min provided the best results for the conditions.