Scattering of Protons fromC12

The elastic scattering of protons from carbon in the range of bombarding energies 1.5 to 5.5 Mev has been investigated, using protons from the Rice Institute Van de Graaff accelerator and a differentially pumped gas scattering chamber. Angular distributions and excitation curves at seven angles have allowed an explicit phase shift analysis of the data below 5 Mev. Only five nonzero phase shifts were necessary to fit the data to better than 10% at all energies and angles. The fourth and fifth excited states of N13 are identified at 4.808- and 5.37-Mev bombarding energy, and their respective assignments are 52+ and 32+, while their laboratory widths are 12 kev and 125 kev. The 4.43-Mev inelastic scattering γ radiation was studied by obtaining excitation curves and angular distributions which confirmed the 32+ assignment for the 5.37-Mev resonance. The large ratio of inelastic to elastic reduced widths for this level suggests that it and, possibly, the fourth excited state of N13 are due to an S-wave proton configuration about C12 in its 2+ first excited state.