Central Nervous System Involvement in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

SYSTEMIC lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a diffuse inflammatory disease of un-known etiology. Because it primarily involves the smaller blood vessels and connective tissue, lesions can be found in virtually all organ systems of the body. Approximately 85% to 90% of the patients are female. While SLE can occur at any age, onset is usually during young adulthood. The disease may terminate in a few weeks or run a remittent course over a period of many years. In general, the prognosis is grave. Steroids have been particularly effective in the amelioration of symptoms. They tend to prolong the lifespan of the patient by controlling some of the more serious complications of an acute exacerbation. In this study all cases of SLE seen at the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center are reviewed in order to evaluate the nature of the mental disorders observed. The findings are considered in the light of some previouslyn published