In situ hybridization identifies renin mRNA in the rat corpus luteum

All components of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), including angiotensinogen messenger RNA (mRNA), renin-like activity (RLA), renin mRNA, angiotensin II (A II) immunoreactivity and angiotensin converting enzyme, have been found in the whole rat ovary and A II receptors have recently been localized to ovarian follicles. Our study was designed to test further which part of the ovary can produce renin. Renin mRNA was detected in the gonadotropin-stimulated rat's corpus luteum using in situ hybridization histochemistry techniques. No positive signal was detected in theca or granulosa cells. These results indicate ovarian renin gene expression in rat luteal cells, where the renin molecule is probably produced, and support our concept of an intrinsic ovarian RAS.