Experiments were carried out to study the effects of dietary P depletion on plasma concentrations of inorganic P (P1), calcium, 1,25-(OH)2-Vit.D3 and alkaline phosphatase, and to investigate the effects of P depletion, in comparison with P repletion, on intestinal flow and net disappearance of Ca and P in sheep. The animals were adapted to an experimental diet of pellets and chopped straw providing between 0·91 and 1·04 g P/day for depletion. They were repleted by single infusions of phosphate into the duodenum raising total P supply to about 4·1 g/day. During P depletion plasma P1, concentrations decreased significantly whereas those of Ca increased. The development of hypercalcaemia is discussed with respect to intestinal absorption and bone accretion and resorption. Plasma 1,25-(OH)2-Vit.D3 and alkaline phosphatase were not affected by P depletion.In P depletion the flow through the gastrointestinal tract of total P contained in the digesta and faecal P excretion were significantly reduced and the P balance was slightly negative. Calcium net absorption from the gut was also reduced. Daily flow of total P and P1, contained in the particle-free intestinal fluid was markedly lower in P depletion as compared with P repletion. The percentage of net disappearance from the small intestines of total P and P1, in the particle-free fluid was 57 and 70 % in the depleted state and 79 and 93% in the repleted state.