Purification of the follicle hormone is facilitated by forming an insoluble addition product with chinolin. This combination crystallizes into well formed, colorless needles or prisms in which the molecular ratio of hormone: chinolin is 1:1. The hormone is obtained in its pure form by destroying this addition product with dilute HC1. The solubility of the hormone in cold water was determined as 2.1 mgm. per liter. More complete investigations were carried out on the catalytic hydrogenation of the hormone and its hydrate, the molecular refraction of its derivatives using chinolin as the solvent, and on the dissociation constants of the hormone and its hydrate. The findings lead to the conception that the follicle hormone C18H22O2 contains a benzol ring (with a hydroxyl group) and 3 hydrogenated rings; that the saturated primary hydrocarbons of the hormone represents a 4 ring system of composition C18H30. Apparent contradictions to this conception are explained as being based on experimental errors.