Antihirudin antibodies following low-dose subcutaneous treatment with desirudin for thrombosis prophylaxis after hip-replacement surgery: incidence and clinical relevance

Recombinant hirudin has been found to be immunogenic in patients treated with lepirudin following heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT). We assessed the incidence of immunoglobulin G (IgG) antihirudin antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in 112 patients enrolled in a dose-finding study with desirudin. Patients received desirudin subcutaneously following orthopedic hip surgery at 10 mg twice a day (n = 17), 15 mg twice a day (n = 75), and 20 mg twice a day (n = 20). Of 112 patients, 11 (9.8%) developed antihirudin antibodies independently of the dose. The rate of immunization did not differ from that observed in HIT patients treated with lepirudin (P = .113). Plasma concentrations of desirudin did not differ between antihirudin antibody–positive and –negative patients. Antihirudin antibodies had no impact on incidences of deep vein thrombosis and/or pulmonary embolism, allergic reactions, and hemorrhage. However, the total number of immunized patients observed was low and so infrequent (but severe) effects of antihirudin antibodies cannot be excluded.