Theory and interpretation of pressure-induced resonances

Using both a bare-atom and dressed-atom picture of atom-field interactions, we present a theory of the pressure-induced resonances that can arise when four radiation fields interact with a three-level quantum system. The four fields drive two coupled atomic transitions which share a common level, the levels being arranged in a ‘‘ladder’’ scheme. As the field frequencies are varied, certain resonant structures in the excitation spectrum of the upper state population appear only in the presence of collisions. The resonant structures result from processes that have been referred to in the past as collisionally aided radiative excitation (CARE) and pressure-induced extra resonances in four-wave mixing (PIER4). We show that both CARE- and PIER4-type resonances have a common origin, which can be linked to conservation of energy. In contrast to conventional PIER4 signals, line shapes calculated in this work result from a ‘‘single atom’’ rather than a collective emission. Moreover, the signals vanish unless the applied fields are relatively coherent, again in contrast to conventional PIER4.